Why Should I Get Portraits Taken?
My phone takes decent photos right?
To answer the question above, it does BUT it’s not the same. Allow me to explain.
Photo by Birmingham Museums Trust on Unsplash
Getting portraits made is a long standing tradition in humanity. Once only reserved for the ultra wealthy (and vain), portraits have become a mostly common commodity. Even though most people are walking around with a pretty decent camera in their pocket, there is still something magical about getting your portraits taken by a professional photographer.
I know what you’re thinking. Of course the professional photographer would suggest having a professional take your photo, but before you click away, consider this: don’t you want to enjoy the experience?
Don’t you want memories, smiles, laughs, precious moments, AND decent photos to remember them?
If you’ve answered yes, then I rest my case. If you’re still not convinced, consider the reasons below and make your own decision.
Special Occasions to get portraits taken
The answers that come to mind when thinking of special occasions are getting engaged, getting married, maternity photos or a new baby, a new job, business, or position, and of course documenting life and memories to pass down to future generations.
The short list above is only a small set of reasons to get portraits taken. Portraits from the list above are special moments that only happen a handful of times. They play major roles in your life and they should be documented so that future generations can enjoy them.
Celebrating Milestones
You only turn your age once. American culture considers certain birthdays as milestones: 16, 18, 21, etc. Other cultures also celebrate 13 or 15 as significant birthdays. No matter which birthday you’re choosing to commemorate, it should be done with a portrait.
Looking back on them as you age is not only a great way to immortalize that milestone, but sometimes it’s great to look back and laugh at the fashion.
Other milestones that deserve celebration include graduations and retirements. Highschool and college graduation photos are great ways to commemorate the time, hard work, and dedication you spent in school. They, along with your diploma or certificate, serve to remind you that you accomplished something special.
Many times retirement gets overlooked. Sadly, everyone does not make it to retirement. If you are fortunate enough to do so, you should document that occasion. It is special. It is meaningful and you’ve earned that recognition.
Sometimes You Want to Feel Good
If you’ve ever taken a Carnival cruise, the only cruise I’ve been on, they usually offer a night where you can dress up and have our portrait taken. It’s usually a rushed experience because they want to get as much done as possible. However, for the 2 minutes in front of the camera you feel special.
Sometimes it’s just nice to get dressed up and feel special. When getting your portraits taken by a professional photographer and booking a full session, you'll feel special for longer than 2 minutes.
When booking a session that is mostly feel good, you should be treated like royalty, to an extent. Women will enjoy hair and makeup and styling advice. Gentlemen will enjoy styling advice. All portrait clients should be receiving posing advice to help highlight the things that make them feel good and special.
A client should leave the session feeling positive, confident, and happy that they have become a work of art.
Final thoughts
The reasons for getting portraits taken have a pretty big range. The thing that remains constant is the importance of documenting your life. Being able to pass images, memories, and stories down though history is something special.
Sharing your story or your family’s story through photos is no longer something reserved for the ultra wealthy. Being a part of the photo will make it that much more special.
So, if you’ve been convinced, I’d love to put you on my calendar and document your special occasion, milestone, or just help you feel good about yourself.
If I still haven’t convinced you, I hope you have a slightly better understanding of why your friends and family want you to be in so many pictures.
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Thanks for reading,
Larry G.