Portrait & Product Photos at Jambalaya Park | Manifest Hoodie

A few months ago, my brother asked if I would take some portrait and product photos of him in one of his new products, the Manifest That Shit Hoodie.

I love taking portraits and product photos for my brother because I get a ton of practice and creative control, and I want his business to succeed.

I decided to take these photos at one of my favorite free locations in Gonzales, Jambalaya Park.

The Objective

The objective of this shoot was to provide lifestyle product photography showcasing the hoodie with the phrase “manifest that shit”

Time of Day

Most photographers, myself included, love the idea of shooting at golden hour. The light is soft, golden, and the colors in the sky are magnificent.

The second reason I chose to shoot at golden hour was to take full advantage of shooting with off camera flash. Utilizing this technique allows me to create a more dynamic photograph suited for lifestyle marketing efforts.

The Pillars

Jambalaya Park is full of great scenes. One of my favorites to start with is the pillars located near the center of the park. They provide a nice frame and establish a sense of center to the photographs.

The Bench

The bench area provided some of my favorite light. The benches are located next to the creek and near a large tree. These things provide a lot of background elements that help paint the picture of the location and draw the eye toward the subject.

These photos were also taken as the sun was really starting to set so the gradient that appears in the sky is truly beautiful.

The Stairs

The stairs are another great little scene during this shoot. They provide a sharper more rigid and masculine feel to the images. The ability to shoot through the railing also adds another level of intererst.

The Fountain

We eneded the Jamabalya Park shoot at the fountain. The fountain and the lights in the water were on. Combining the look of the fountain with light from the flash really made this images pop.

Final Thoughts and Lessons

I believe this shoot was a success.

We were able to utilize different scenes within Jamalaya Park to create lfiestyle images to promote the hoodie.

We were also able to provide portraits and creative shots to the entire gallery.

We were also able to prove versatility in shooting at different times of day.

We had fun and the client enjoyed the final product.

Larry George II

My name is Larry George II, but I also go by Larry G. I am a photographer, filmmaker, musician, blogger, digital marketer, and so much more. I am a storyteller.


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